Honestly, it's not the best idea to start with a negative review. I should also choose a book that I have on hand so that I can quote it. But screw sanity and rational decisions! It's summer!
Keeping the Castle.
This is a story about a girl: Althea, and her quest to keep her castle of sorts.
But wait! This is not a story about how Althea, against all odds, paves her own path in 19th century England, and defies stereotypes to make a living, and secure enough money to save the castle-like home her grandfather built.
No, it's not about that.
Because that would empower girls, and why is that important?
This is a story about a girl who attempts to use her beauty and sewing skills to pretend she is not poor, and marry into a rich family. That is, marry a rich man.
And pretend that she loves him. And live with him until death do them part. Even if he is obnoxious. Even if she hates him.
Because her four-year-old brother needs to enherit the castle so that he can live a rich and pampered life, and not have to worry about money.
Because if her four-year-old brother dies, the castle belings to some distant cousin of sorts. Because the four-year-old boy owns the castle. Actually, the second he was born he owned the castle. Because 'science' has proven that females cannot understand much more than household manners. Therefore, the castle must go to the newborn baby. Because that makes perfect sense.
In any case, this is what life is like for Miss Althea Crawley. And she must make the most of it.
To be fair, Althea is not the brainless flower men seem to want her to be. She has a sharp tongue, and says what she means, even if it ends badly. Although this in itself is a bit cliché. Anywho...
Althea has two cruel older step-sisters who have plenty of money, though they do not spend it to help Althea, or her mother. Instead, they buy themselves dresses, makeup, and whatever suits their fancy, leaving Althea to try and repair and embellish one of her dresses that a step-sister ruined.
That sounds and awful lot like Cinderella.
Nah, nah, this is different. Right? Yeahhhh... It's nothing like Cinderella. Totally a different story.
Because Althea doesn't have a fairy godmother! See? Cinderella is completely different. Completely.
In fact, Althea catches the attention of many men, due to her beauty.
And while they might love her for her looks, another man likes her unique attitude, though it doesn't seem like he enjoys her company at all!
That's a spoiler.
I shouldn't have said that. I shouldn't have said that.
Psshhhtt, you could have figured it out from the first time you met Mr.––
Oops. Nearly told you!
But, hey!
If you like predictable, boring, Cinderella-like stories about a girl who has to marry a man to save her home for her toddler brother who owns the place, go ahead and read it.
I suppose it does point out some rather important things about misogyny in the 1800s. I think you'll be surprised to find that it hasn't changed all that much.
-The Humbug Potato
- Olivia