A Certain Slant Of Light is about a girl named Helen, who is 27 when she dies, and she turns into Light. Light is sort of a ghost, so no one can see, hear, or feel her. She is living a "life" of terror of going to Hell, and the only way she can prevent that is by being near her host. Her host is a Quick, (Human,) that she has a special connection with. Her first one she calls "her Saint". She always stays by her side, and when she doesn't, Hell comes to claim her again. She always finds a way to get to her Saint again though. After her Saint dies, she starts getting sucked into Hell again. She must find a new host. She does, and stays by that host for a while as well. She goes through a few hosts before she finds a host called Mr. Brown. He was an English teacher. She helps him write a book, and feels happy to be with him. Everything is going well. One day, during one of Mr. Brown's classes, she feels a pair of ey es on her. She is surprised, no one is supposed to see the Light. She investigates further, and finds that he can not only see her, but hear her as well! She finds out that he is a body that is possessed by someone who is Light. The two Light get to be friends, and soon even more than that! Helen and James, (she finds out that name of the Light that is possessing Billy,) want to be a real couple, so they try and find a body for Helen. They try once, and fail, then they find a body of a fifteen-year-old girl named Jenny. Helen possesses Jenny, and they can be together. The only problem is Jenny and Billy's families...
- Emmie

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