I have recently read “Warriors: Into The Wild” by Erin Hunter. The book is about clans of cats that thrive in the wild away from humans, technology, and everything modern. They live like how their ancestors, big wild cats, lived. The main character, Rusty, a house cat, has been getting these strange dreams. Dreams of him in a forest. Dreams of him catching mice. Dreams of him being free. These dreams encourage Rusty to go to the forest and try to hunt. There, he meets Graypaw, Lionheart, and Bluestar. Members of Thunder Clan. He learns how the forest barely has any food to go around, and how the members of Fireclan have to fight off other cats from different clans to survive. Rusty becomes Firepaw as he becomes more worthy of joining Thunder Clan. “Warriors: Into The Wild” is a thrilling book filled with action, romance, laughter, and mystery. It’s a must read.
- Jinho
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