A different gender, a different race, a different body type?
A different family, a different school, a different attitude?
To have to conform to who that person is?
Because a lot can change in a day, and ruining someone's life is the last thing A wants to do.
But A has no family, no friends, no home, no keepsakes, no reminder of days past.
A can never have a friend for more than a day, a mother who will love him no matter what, a favorite toy from when A was six.
Until one day, when he does.
And A decides, he will tell Rhiannon. He will tell her he switches bodies every day, moving from person to person, place to place, never revisiting another person, never staying more than a day.
But he dove too deep. Because he drove a boy out to a party to see Rhiannon, and wasn't home by midninght.
The boy woke up in his car, on the side of the road.
And now someone is onto A.
The perfect balance of never interfering and still remaining happy has been broken, and it is up to A, and A alone, to pick up the pieces.
What will happen if someone realises A is in their body? Can A die? Will the world become aware fo what they think of as demonic possesions?
Is A alone in this world?
This is a great book, and a new and intriguing concept, written by an excellent author, though I do have to say it ends rather abruptly.
Every Day might just leave you with more questions than answers, but hopefully you will come out the other end with ideas of your own.
- Olivia