Paige is a completely normal girl; she competes in pageants, goes to school, has a loving mother, and takes trips to the doctor regularly, where they take blood to see how many T-cells she has left in her blood.
And everyone treats Paige as completely normal, until she tells her best friend that she is HIV positive. Mere hours after those words were uttered, rumors have circulated throughout the school. And the bullying begins.
Paige's own best friend turns against her, simply because she has a virus that is too small for most microscopes to even see.
But everything goes downhill from here. Paige gets lost in a world of darkness, a minefield where she is constantly aware that any step she takes could be her last. Where even the adults she thought could airlift her to safety claim that she is inventing the mines to cause drama, to get attention.
Because when you're in seventh grade, your best friend ditching you can cause more pain than you ever might think. And Paige's situation was much worse.
I did enjoy this book, though the beginning is a bit dull. I read this book to be sad, and the beginning is unfulfilling. However, her tale of middle school is something I can empathize with, at a lesser scale.
This book is inspirational, heartwarming, and terribly sad. It tells of the darkness within humanity, and leaves you knowing how you should be a light.
Check it out!