Now, the actual tale: When he was a toddler, a boy's entire family was murdered. And he was to be next. Luckily for him- and unluckily for the Man Jack, the boy escapes to a nearby graveyard, and is taken in by the ghost who live there. Given the Freedom of the Graveyard, Nobody Owens becomes a sort of ghost himself. On the borderline between life and death, Nobody Owens can Fade, and Dreamwalk, and create fear. Unsatisfied with his confinement in his graveyard, Nobody Owens decides to go to school in the outside world. It is then that he discovers the true dangers of going where he is not protected. The Jacks of All Trades are after Bod's life, and he can't hide for the rest of his life. (There are many more adventures in this book, I just skipped to the main one.)
This is the tale of finding yourself, of family, of balance, of adventure, and of uncertainty.
I did like this book. It was a very interesting concept, and explored unusual aspects of life. However, my main complaint was that things were too easy. Bod knew everything that was going to happen in the last few chapters with the Jacks, and nothing was too unpredictable. The Jacks were easily fooled, and not the elite you thought they were. Plotlines were developed, then abandoned or fixed with a snap of the fingers. Something deep would start to develop, then it would be tied up like that! Nothing was all that difficult- Bod was one with the graveyard, and the Jacks were too stupid to notice.
I also disliked how predictable Mr. Frost was. I guessed everything from the first "You can call me Jay."
On another note, we never learn WHO the Jacks of All Trades are. Where did they come from? What is their purpose? How did they know about Bod?
Despite all my complaints, I really did like this story, and it is worth reading. I would give it about a B.
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