Saturday, July 18, 2015
Land of Stories: The Wishing Spell by Chris Colfer
"Land of Stories: The Wishing Spell" is another one of those twists on fairytales. But "Land of Stories: The Wishing Spell" is different, it's better. The author incorporates tons of fairytales all into one magical land, called the Land of Stories. Then, two kids raised from a fairytale loving family, get their grandmother's book titled "The Land of Stories". The rest of the story is about the kids getting themselves transported into the book, and trying to get themselves out of a dangerous fairytale world. The only thing the kids can do to get out of the world, is find all the items in the wishing spell. The kids have to collect all sorts of legendary items used in fairytales such as, Cinderalla's glass slipper, Sleeping Beauty's spindle, Red Riding Hoods basket, and much more. My one problem with the book, is a predicted a few of the twists, which wasn't a huge problem, I just wanted to point it out. Awesome book!