Read a book that takes place in a country other than the United States.If you like fantasy books you will probably like this book. It is a fantasy book about a town which has to sacrifice the youngest child there every year or a witch will come and get them. Or so they think... In reality the witch is friendly and has no idea why the townspeople keep leaving babies in the forest. Every year she takes the baby and feeds it starlight (which gives good luck

for the rest of the persons life) and brings it to another town and finds the perfect family for him/her. Only, one year there’s a mother who protests so much for her baby girl and is so wounded by the grand elders (the people who put the baby in the forest for the witch) taking her that she goes mad!!! And that year the witch ( her name’s Xan by the way) falls in love with the baby girl. She “accidentally” feeds her moonlight which gives you magic!!!

Even if this book doesn’t sound that good to you, you should still try it out!! It’s a really good book and I was so intrigued by it!!! It goes by really fast

!!! If you’re still reading this thing that means it didn’t bore your head off, so try reading the book!!!!!!

6th grade