Saturday, July 21, 2018

Flipped by Wendelin Draanen

Have you ever felt something really strongly, and then the next day you feel the opposite way? That is exactly how Juli and Bryce feel in Flipped by Wendelin Draanen. In this extremely "Flipped" story, you can read alternating chapters in different points of view: Juli, the girl who has lived where she does for almost forever, and is desperate to hang out with Bryce, until one day she finally realizes that Bryce isn't all that great. "I was through with Bryce." ; and Juli's across the street neighbor Bryce, who wants nothing to do with Juli, (except copying her homework) until suddenly he starts seeing her in a brand new light. Maybe Juli isn't as bad as he thought. Everything is Flipped!!!!!!!!

Lyra, 6th grade, Cambridge Street Upper School