6th grade
Tuesday, July 24, 2018
Insignificant events in the life of a cactus by Dusti Bowling
First of all ,for people who think the title looks boring , IT IS NOT THAT MUCH ABOUT CACTUSES!!!!!! (sorry, I just wanted to make sure people saw that) I know, when I saw the the title I was thinking, I want to read about some SIGNIFICANT events! Not some Humdy-dum-dum boring stuff that happened to some cactus
!!!! But, luckily it’s not about a cactus, it’s about a girl. Aven is a girl without arms. She was born that way, so she didn’t lose them or have them chopped off, or had some deadly disease, or anything horrifying like that. The kids in her school are all used to it and you’d be surprised how much things you can do with your feet when you need to. Sorry, I mean the kids in her old school are used to her not having arms. Not that it’s hard enough to live a life without arms, Aven’s parents have decided to move to Arizona to run an amusement park and Aven has to go to a whole new school and leave her friends behind. Aven meets a boy with Tourette’s syndrome (which means he sometimes makes noises and movements he doesn’t mean or want to make) . Together Aven and the boy discover a mysterious shack in the park with seven DO NOT ENTER signs around it! They suspect the owner of the park ( a man called Joe Cavanaugh, who suspiciously is never seen) was murdered!!! Aven and her friends ( yes she finds another one) search for clues and discover many strange and awesome things. I especially like Aven. To be more specific I like her attitude
. Aven is a spunky kid and no one can tell her what she can and can’t do!!! Okay, sorry I’m saying all this stuff in the wrong order, but it’s a really good book!!! I officially added thus book to my list of favorite books of all time! You should definitely read it!!! 

6th grade
6th grade
6th grade