Friday, June 30, 2017

Demon Dentist

Describe a part of the book that made you feel something strongly (i.e. something that made you cry, laugh, get really angry, etc.).

Many kids HATE going to the dentist, and I woon't blame them. The strong shinning light in your mouth ticles your teeth and it is hard to keep it open. I HATE the dentist as well, and after reading this book I was not convinced that going to the dentist was a great thing. But a message stood out. Most of the middle school kids don't believe in the tooth fairy , the easter bunny, or even the tooth fairy. They think those are stories for toddlers, and they know that the parents are behind that. I am not saying that if you are one of those people you are bad, but it is not what you get from those mythical creatures. It is their spirit, when you believe in them you feel happy, excited, and maybe anxious sometimes. Laslty I believe that believing in them is like believing in one of your teamates, that you do not want to let down.

-Luna, 7th Grade, VLUS