Saturday, August 19, 2017

Stink and The Ultimate Thumb-Wrestling Smackdown by Megan McDonald

Stink is a kid at The Virginia Dare School. He really loves report card day. So when he got home, he straight away asked his parents to open his report card's envelope. He was so happy because he usually gets good grades on every single subject, but the look on his parents face was not what he had expected. The look on his parent's face was like the combination of happiness and a tiny bit of dissatisfaction because he got a U which stands for unsatisfactory for his physical education. So his parents wanted to sign him up in a sport class no matter what sport. He suddenly became interesting in thumb-wrestling and karate. After a lot of practice, he became really good at them. He got a yellow belt in karate and he won against his friends in thumb-wrestling.
- Abdul, Grade 7, Vassal Lane Upper School