Monday, June 20, 2016

11/22/63 by Stephen King

If someone liked this book, what other books should they read?
It is a sci-fi/historical fiction book written by a horror writer. It has the same style of writing as Steven Kings It since this is a recent Steven King book. If you liked this you would like It, the Shining, and books that are about preventing bad things. Like a Doctor who book that has much more adult content then usual. In this book Jake Eppings is a E.L.A. teacher in Lisbon falls, Maine. His friend Al Templeton owns a diner. One day when Jake goes to the diner he finds Al crippled by cancer, but two minutes ago Al had no cancer. As Al dies he shows Jake that in his storage room there is a time hole. It goes back September 1958, and Al wants Jake to live their for 5 years and prevent the assassination of J.F.K.
Love, hate, murder, and Oswald as Jake turns him self into George Amberson to save the presidents life.
- Ethan, Grade 7, Vassal Lane