If you could ask the author/illustrator of this book one question, what would it be?There are many things I would like to ask the authors that wrote this book, like " how has being a reporter changed your life?" But now to tell you about the actual book. The book is simply and obviously about the history of NPR ( National Public Radio ). I bought this book in the first place because I listen to NPR every day, as a matter of fact I am listening to it whilst I am writing this very blog! NPR tells you so much about the world, have you herd about Brexit? Well guess where I heard it first, in the car on NPR! This book will teach you that these voices you hear about on the radio actually go to the places that you hear them and they sometimes risk their lives to get the news out to you, in the book that talk about 9-11 and the Rwandan genocides as well as John Lennon being shot outside his hotel. This book is so interesting and makes you take a second listen to something we take for granted, NPR
-Avery, 8th grade, Rindge Ave