Would you recommend this book? If so, who would you recommend it to, and why? If not, why not?I Reccomend this to all young adults. It has comedy, suspense, action, mystery, and a little bit of romance. This book is my favorite book. I think that people who are into mystery, and action would love this book. This book is about a kid named Thomas who wakes up in a maze with no memories. He finds himself in a place called the Glade thats surounded by walls. Outside the walls, the maze. There are more people at the Glade, they call themselves the Gladers. There are only boys at the glade. Theve been looking for an exit for 2 years. Will they get out?
Theres a movie, and 3 other books. Theres a new book coming out soon.
Current Books:
Maze Runner
Scorch Trials
Death Cure
Kill order
-Shadnan, 7th grade, Rindge Ave