This book, bro.
Okay, okay, okay, let's start from the beginning. Olive is at a Halloween party at her new school, with the cats (Leopold (Black), Harvey (Spotted), and Horatio(Orange)), Morton(A little boy who got stuck in a painting, and turned into paint), and Rutherford (The smart, magical, mind-reading-boy-next-door). And a strange, mystical figure follows them. It could be a teenager trying to scare them, Annabelle McMartin, or maybe it's not a costume at all. Maybe is just really a ghoul. After, olive comes home, just to find her parents... Gone. Later, she gets help from a Dr.Widdecombe (A world renowned ), and Delora (A messenger of the dead) try to help her remove the remains of the McMartin's family... But what if all else fails? Go on, read. The book won't bite you, but the creatures might....
- Emie, 7th grade, Cambridge Street Upper School