My story about The Phantom Tollbooth.#1 There was once a boy named Milo who didn't know what to do with himself not just sometimes,but always.#2 When he was in school he longed to be out,and when he was out he longed to be in.#3 On the way he thought ton came home,and coming thinking about going.#4one day as he walked dejectedly home from school. #5Milo said where Ethiopia is or how to spell February.#6 And wort of all;he continued sadly,"there nothingt todo,nowhere i;d care to go,and hardly anything worth seeing.#7He found a bright-blue envelope which said simply:''for Milo ,who has plenty of time .''#8 Welcome to expectations,''said a carefully lettered sigh on a small house at the side of the road information,predictions,and advise,cheerfully offered.#9 park here and blow horn.
- jimmy