This book is about a witch who can't find a job that involves being a witch, because people didn't believe in magic anymore, and when she acted as a witch in a museum, people thought she wasn't scary. So then she became a lunch lady. While working Grunhilda (The witch) met a girl, Madison. Madison was failing in class, she was about to be put back a grade, but then she found out that Grunhilda was a witch, and that Grunhilda could make a intelligence potion, that would make Madison smart.
Madison said, "Help me or i'll squeal"
And so, Grunhilda had to make the intelligence potion or be blackmailed.
So once Grunhilda got home she started to look up the potion from the book that said,
"This book is not to be used for good."
Once Grunhilda started flipping through the pages, all the ancestors woke up from their graves saying things like
'Was that the sound of a page turning?" or "Another page is turning," And "Ooh , ooh, ooh! Something bad is going to happen!"
Grunhiilda wrote down the recipe for the intelligence potion, then put it in her pocket and then went to sleep, but her dog thought
"Here is one with similar ingredients the hags will love."
And with that the dog switched the recipes
The next day once Grunhilda gave the potion to Madison, Madison had turned into a toad!
Then Grunhilda needed the antidote. She had to give it to Madison before the full moon, or Madison would be stuck a toad forever! Once Grunhilda got to the swamp she didn't know witch toad was Madison! And also what happened was that the principal had been following her and tried to take her magic broom and yelled
"Your under arrest for stealing school property!"
Because her broom looked like the school's janitor's broom. Then a mosquito bit the principal, after Grunhilda had an idea. She poured the antidote into the principal's mouth and it went into his blood stream. Mosquitos came from everywhere. sucking blood and the antidote from the principal. Since Madison is a toad, she eats insects, so once she ate the mosquito, she had also eaten the antidote. Then Madison was turned back into a human girl! But then all of Grunhilda's ancestor's were on a magic broom screaming,
"Reurn to your evil ways"
"Pbbbbt!" Madison teased
"Oh no, not the magical raspberry!"
"The most powerful magic of all," Grunhilda said
Then the next day Madison gave a spectacular report on her essay "The dangerous life of a toad" And then moved up a grade, instead of going down one.