This book is about Ace and Bub(Two brothers that are beavers). This book is about how these baboons melt all of Beaver Islands snow with a giant hair-drier, they used the melted snow as left over water, and they had also built a dam so the water couldn't drain away. The baboons said that they would build a pool for the beavers. they didn't. Then Captain Jojo showed Ace and Bub what the baboons where really up to, they were using all the, melted water for their island, "Baboon Island." And the only reason Captain Jojo was helping them is so when the baboons were gone, he could try to steal beaver island's dirt again. So when the baboons tried to shoot Ace and Bub,Ace and Bub used a tarp to block the hot air, and the hot air filled the tarp so that it took the shape of a balloon. And the tarp was so full, it lifted the giant hair-drier and all three of the baboons away. And since the giant hair-drier was built on top of the dam, the dam started cracking, then fell apart and the water from the melted snow dispersed into the ocean.