Thursday, July 13, 2017

Marvel Star Wars Darth Vader: End of Games

Inspector Thanoth finally digs deep enough and finds out who Darth Vader really is. And by saying so, gets himself killed. But Thanoth knew it would happen.
Dr. Aphra has escaped from rebel clutches and now hides, while her two Suicidal droids BT and 000 hunt her down and blow up anyone who gets in their way. Or drains their blood.
Everyone who gets in triple zero's way DIES.
Darth Vader then orders Triple Zero to hunt down Aphra and send her in unharmed, while Vader hunts down Dr. Cylo IV, before realizing that Cyclo IV is really a clone with the same memories. It makes him an immortal traitor running away from the empire.
As this happens, many important secrets and test are revealed, and Vader pushes the limits of living after already doing so. And now Cyclo may be the master after all.

-Bruce, Grade 7, Cambridge Street Upper School